Thank you for the QSO`s, in my village (ko48jn) your signal(including 23 cm) was quite loud, even when anntennas was not beaming to you
. At the first part of the contest propagation was excellent.
For some reason RA1AO and RM1M was easily workable, on 144/432/1296 in the SPB area. Both of you must have very good horizon to west direction. Best signals heard was RU1AA, RO1A, RA1ALA, all with 599 (real report from S-meter) on 144MHz. Agree with you, that conditions were best in start hour of the contest. We made a big mistake to ask some station to work 432 and 1296 later, but later conditions were not so good. Next time we will not make same mistake again...
We heard and caller several stations in the first 20 minutes of contest on 144MHz, RU3XY/1, UC1A, UA1ASA but they did not hear us calling, probably due to many stronger callers.