BandModeUTCCallSentRcvdErrorError descriptionDistanceClaimedPoints
144CW1514UA1ANA559 1 KO29HI599 8 KO59EWS: Your sent number was not correctly received599 1 KO29HI3293290
144CW1516RA1CP579 2 KO29HI599 5 KO49MUSR599 2 KO29HI/599 5 KO49MV2552550
144CW1519RA1AGX579 3 KO29HI599 1 KO49HI+: QSO is confirmed227227227
144CW1522R1DM599 4 KO29HI599 4 KO49WPR: You have received wrong number599 9 KO49WP2982980
144CW1528UA1AJY599 5 KO29HI599 15 KO49QO+: QSO is confirmed270270270
144CW1530RU1AT559 6 KO29HI599 5 KO59LWS: Your sent number was not correctly received599 5 KO29HI3623620
144CW1540UA1AUW579 7 KO29HI579 15 KP40SH+: QSO is confirmed295295295
144CW1547YL2AJ599 8 KO29HI599 1 KO16OX+: QSO is confirmed277277277
144CW1555OH4LA599 9 KO29HI559 4 KP20LG+: QSO is confirmed104104104
144CW1557R1AO599 10 KO29HI599 14 KP40TG+: QSO is confirmed297297297
144CW1558ES4RC599 11 KO29HI599 1 KO39FHT: The time difference exceeds the acceptable16061041040
144SSB1613ES2IPA59 12 KO29HI59 1 KO29KM+: QSO is confirmed232323
144CW1615RU1AA599 13 KO29HI599 36 KP40XD+: QSO is confirmedSystematic error (Bad mode) SSB/59 36 KP40XD/59 13 KO29HI311311311
144CW1625RK1AS579 14 KO29HI599 7 KP40UE+: QSO is confirmed299299299
144CW1628RA1AL559 15 KO29HI599 20 KO49MQ+: QSO is confirmed252252252
144CW1631RA1AC579 16 KO29HI599 27 KP50DB+: QSO is confirmed327327327
144SSB1638RA1AMW57 17 KO29HI59 32 KP50DAS: Your sent number was not correctly received59 14 KO29HI3263260
144CW1649ES2JL599 18 KO29HI599 4 KO29LL+: QSO is confirmed232323
432CW1713RA1AL559 19 KO29HI599 29 KO49MQ+: QSO is confirmed252504504
432CW1718ES2JL599 20 KO29HI599 11 KO29LL+: QSO is confirmed234646
432CW1722UA1AJY579 21 KO29HI599 40 KO49QONIL: QSO is not in log2705400
432CW1757RK1AA/1559 22 KO29HI599 10 KO68LA+: QSO is confirmed50410081008
432CW1801R1DM579 23 KO29HI599 49 KO49WPS: Your sent number was not correctly received599 23 KO29HI2985960
1296CW1817ES2JL599 24 KO29HI599 17 KO29LL+: QSO is confirmed239292